Astron is committed to making a positive contribution to the community, economy and the environment in Minyip and the surrounding area. The Astron project team look forward to having a meaningful, long-term relationship with residents and stakeholders.
The Donald Rare Earth and Minerals Sands Project represents a significant potential contributor to the local community. The Company believes it has an opportunity to make a sustained and enduring contribution to the region alongside local stakeholders.
Astron takes its social licence to operate seriously. Without the support and confidence of the community and the ability to work harmoniously alongside key stakeholders, it is recognised that mutual benefit and trust will not occur. As the Donald Project progresses towards the operational stages, Astron will work to understand the needs of neighbours, community members, local associations, employees, contractors and suppliers to ensure the project aligns with the expectations of these stakeholders.
Astron will seek to be honest, forthcoming and transparent in all of its communication. The Company will use regular reporting, individual engagement and the formation of community and environmental working groups to establish effective communication channels. Any raised issues will be communicated to Astron’s Board of Directors, to better understand the requirements of the local community.
Local benefits of the Donald Rare Earth and Minerals Sands Project include increased employment, economic flow-on benefits and improved social infrastructure. Employment through the project is well paid, long-term, secure and will assist in the development of new skills in the region. Increased economic activity, government expenditure, and Astron’s investment all contribute to the provision of broader services in areas such as health, sport, cultural activities and social services. Astron is committed to partnering with local and State Governments, along with local associational groups, to ensure benefits from the Donald project accrue to the local community.
Astron is also committed to providing training and the development of job readiness programs in partnership with regional educational providers. Astron intends to work in partnership with local skills and training providers to ensure skill and training gaps can be identified and addressed through targeted training opportunities.
Astron has established a Community Reference Group to ensure an open conversation with all stakeholders and to work co-operatively to identify areas where Astron can support the community. Astron will continue supporting community through its sponsorship program.
Economic Benefits
Astron believe a project of the longevity of Donald will have tangible economic benefits to the local and broader region. Employment opportunities; financial flow-on benefits created from a stable, secure and well-remunerated workforce; employment pathways and training and skills development; partnerships for economic and social benefits; as well as the potential contribution to the stabilisation or growth of the regional population, can be expected to provide a range of positive outcomes.