Donald Mineral Sands (DMS) is committed to making a positive contribution to the people, community, economy and the environment in Minyip and surrounding area. The DMS project team look forward to having a meaningful, long term relationship with local residents and stakeholders.

DMS recognises that this is a long term project which will have large economic and social impacts both locally and regionally. There is an opportunity for significant community infrastructure investment in development of roads,  housing, social, health and recreation services. DMS is committed to working closely with the community and stakeholders to maximise the positive benefits to the broader local economy. However the project is not without its challenges which DMS recognises and is committed to working with the community and stakeholders to overcome them.

Community & Stakeholders

DMS is committed to engaging in constructive dialogue with all of our stakeholders in order to understand and respond to issues that are important to them. Stakeholders include local landowners, local and wider community members, businesses, suppliers, and Federal, State and Local Government agencies. DMS has established a Community Reference Group to ensure direct local contact with a range of stakeholders.

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Community Overview

Donald Mineral Sands (DMS) is committed to making a positive contribution to the people, community, economy and the environment in Minyip and surrounding area.


Community Engagement

Donald Mineral Sand’s (DMS’s) Environment and Community Officer Paul Atherton works to further develop links and connections with the community and stakeholders.


Community Sponsorship

DMS has established an annual Community Sponsorship Program to provide support and assistance to local not-for-profit community organisations and groups seeking to enhance and benefit local communities surrounding the Donald Project area.

Careers with Astron Limited

DMS is committed to employing suitably qualified local people wherever possible and creating opportunities for former residents of the region to return home.



The mineral sands industry is noted as having amongst the best land rehabilitation credentials of all forms of extractive industry. This stems from an extended history of rehabilitation practices in various land-use situations, as well as the nature of the mining approach adopted.

Community News

Community is important to us. Explore our latest community news from accross our business.
Community Newsletter November 2022. PDF 8.81 MB
Fact Sheet Novenber 2022. PDF 95 KB
Fact Sheet Newsletter September 2022. PDF 27 KB
Fact Sheet Newsletter Augest 2021. XLSX 10.15 MB
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