DMS has formed a Community Reference Group (CRG) for the Donald Mineral Sands project to ensure direct local contact with a range of stakeholders and specifically to:

  1. Act as a conduit to provide feedback from the wider community
  2. Provide an avenue to facilitate flow of information from DMS back to stakeholders on all aspects of the project,
  3. Allow CRG members to raise any issues or opportunities in relation to the project and its potential environmental, social and economic impacts, and
  4. Be involved in the community engagement process in relation to fairness, transparency and accountability, providing opportunities for inclusion, deliberation and influence

CRG members represent a broad range of stakeholders and to convey stakeholder issues as they arise. The CRG is not an approvals body and does not have a regulatory function. However it is an invaluable advisory group to guide DMS on local and regional issues in relation to the project.

The CRG is composed of approximately 25 stakeholders, representing a broad cross-section of regional interests, with an Independent Chair and representatives of DMS attending each meeting. The CRG’s role will be complete at the end of the Work Plan approval stage. Once construction of the project is commenced, an Environmental Review Committee (ERC) will be formed to advise DMS on issues during construction, operations and final closure, and to review DMS’s performance against licensing requirements, obligations and commitments.

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